First of all, Shonen means “youth” or “little boy” in Japanese. I named this soda brand “Shonen Soda”' because I’ve always wanted to create a soda brand since I was a little boy - hence, Shonen. Back when I used to live in Japan, I used to drink so much sodas and eat delicious snacks. When I immigrated to California at a young age, I immediately noticed the lack of variety of soda flavors in the American market compared to Japan. Since then, I’ve always wanted to create a soda of my own and bring some of my favorite childhood sodas to the western market. I also love Shonen Manga and Anime like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, etc. I honestly thought Shonen was a perfect name that characterizes who I am and what I love.
It really has been my childhood dream and accomplishing it step-by-step is absolute nuts!
Thank you so much for all the support because it is really making my dream come true. Hope you guys enjoy Shonen Soda as much as I do!!