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Shonen Soda Now at Nugget Market: We’re Super Excited!
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news—Shonen Soda is now available at Nugget Market! This is a huge milestone for us, and we couldn’t be...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya... Last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to bring Shonen Soda to the iconic Uwajimaya in Seattle for a sampling...
Introducing the New Name for Elderberry… BERRY LEMON!
We’re excited to announce a refreshing update to one of our flavors at Shonen Soda. Say goodbye to "Elderberry" and hello to our new name:...
Nostalgic Journey Through Japanese Snacks
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Nostalgic Journey Through Japanese Snacks

Have you ever wandered into a Dagashi store? These treasure troves are a gateway to old-school Japanese snacks, popular from the 90s to the early 2000s. Dagashi stores are not just shops; they are a delightful snapshot of Japanese pop culture and childhood nostalgia.

What truly sets Dagashi stores apart is their affordability and the sheer variety of options. AND they’re also bussin. Imagine this: a single store packed with 50-100 different types of snacks and drinks, each priced between just 10 cents to $1! In today’s terms, with the yen-to-dollar conversion rate being WHOPPING low (100 yen = $0.67), these snacks are even more of a steal at approximately 50 cents each. But even without considering the exchange rate, the diversity and accessibility of these snacks are unmatched.

Reflecting on my own childhood, my dream was to earn money just so I could buy as many of these snacks as I possibly could. Today, as an adult, I find myself nostalgic for those simpler times. Back then, I was a Shonen, which means "little boy" in Japanese, and finding joy in a simple 10-cent snack was the height of happiness.

Anyways, I highly recommend visiting a Dagashi store if you ever find yourself in Japan. It’s more than just a shopping experience; it’s a cultural immersion, offering a taste of Japan’s affordable indulgences and a slice of the carefree joys of youth.



Recent Posts

Shonen Soda Now at Nugget Market: We’re Super Excited!
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news—Shonen Soda is now available at Nugget Market! This is a huge milestone for us, and we couldn’t be...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya... Last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to bring Shonen Soda to the iconic Uwajimaya in Seattle for a sampling...
Introducing the New Name for Elderberry… BERRY LEMON!
We’re excited to announce a refreshing update to one of our flavors at Shonen Soda. Say goodbye to "Elderberry" and hello to our new name:...