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Our Top Shonen Jump Anime/Manga Picks of All Time
As huge fans of Shonen Jump, we couldn’t help but share our top five all-time favorite anime and manga series. Of course, we love Shonen...
Shonen Soda Now at Nugget Market: We’re Super Excited!
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news—Shonen Soda is now available at Nugget Market! This is a huge milestone for us, and we couldn’t be...
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A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya... Last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to bring Shonen Soda to the iconic Uwajimaya in Seattle for a sampling...
Mixing the Unmixable - Cream Soda and Milk
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Mixing the Unmixable - Cream Soda and Milk

Mixing the Unmixable: My Unexpected Journey with Banana Cream Soda and Milk

If you had told me a month ago that I'd be raving about mixing milk with soda, I'd have laughed you out of the room. The idea seemed, well, gross. Who in their right mind would think to mix the carbonated sweetness of Banana Cream Soda with milk? It sounded like a recipe for disaster—or at the very least, a really upset stomach.

The TikTok Dare

Then, TikTok happened. Among the sea of dance challenges and life hacks, a comment dared me to try something wild: mix our beloved Banana Cream Soda with milk. My first thought? Absolutely not. It sounded like the kind of thing you'd dare your friend to try for laughs, not something you'd actually enjoy.

But the idea was weirdly intriguing. And as the founder of Shonen Soda, I've always believed in exploring new flavors and combinations, no matter how odd they might seem at first. So, with a mix of reluctance and curiosity, I decided to give it a go.

The Moment of Truth

I won't lie—I was bracing for the worst. Taking that first sip was a leap of faith. And to my utter surprise, it was... delicious. The creamy sweetness of the banana flavor blended surprising well with the milk, creating a taste that was both refreshing and indulgently smooth. 

Why You Should Try It

If you're reading this and thinking, "That still sounds weird," I don't blame you. But if there's one thing I've learned from this experience, it's that taste is full of surprises. So, if you're up for a little adventure, grab a bottle of Shonen Soda's Banana Cream Soda and some milk, and give it a mix. You might just find your new favorite treat.



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Our Top Shonen Jump Anime/Manga Picks of All Time
As huge fans of Shonen Jump, we couldn’t help but share our top five all-time favorite anime and manga series. Of course, we love Shonen...
Shonen Soda Now at Nugget Market: We’re Super Excited!
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news—Shonen Soda is now available at Nugget Market! This is a huge milestone for us, and we couldn’t be...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya...
A Record-Breaking Demo at Uwajimaya... Last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to bring Shonen Soda to the iconic Uwajimaya in Seattle for a sampling...